I am finally at the internet with my camera cable. I take my camera almost everywhere but for some reason at 6 am when I am getting ready to go to Cayambe for work and sometimes to stay afterwards to use the internet I can never remember to bring my cable so I can post pictures. As a result, these are long overdue but I hope you all enjoy them :)

My host brother, Jhon, and I riding Amadeo on the way to visit the cows and help with the milking.

This is me in traditional dress dancing in the festival of San Pedro, with a man in a traditional diabluma costume.

There is lots of dancing in the streets, when we were going home in the bus there was a group of dancers blocking the road so no traffic could pass.

Jhon and Leti sitting on a planter on the side the road, they were tired after walking all afternoon watching the dancing for San Pedro.

Another parade where I rode my host father's horse Amadeo.

One afternoon we made humitas, a traditional food, they are kind of the texture of banana bread and we wrapped the dough in clean corn leaves and steamed them in a huge pot over the open fire. They are delicious!

Leti fabric painting the canvas bag that I brought as a gift.

Me dancing with a cousin, Bianca, in the house.

One afternoon we planted potatoes in the field next to our house. THey are just starting to come up now and will be ready to harvest in December.

Climbing Nevado Cayambe, a snow capped mountain. All of us were wearing tons of layers of clothing because it is so cold and we didn't have our winter jackets and things.
I will write again soon, enjoy :)
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