My departure is tomorrow morning at 9:00am, which means less than 24 hrs until I am gone for 3 months! Right now I am a whole mix of emotions: excited, nervous, sad, and sometimes I don't even know exactly what I feel. My last few weeks have been filled with packing, last minute supply shopping, meeting with friends, family get togethers, saying good-bye and tons of well wishes from friends and family. Once again I realize how blessed I am to have the wonderful support that I do.
Just last week I found out information about my host family and placement in Ecuador! My placement is in a school,
Escuela Himmelman, in downtown Cayambe (a small town about an hour and 40 minutes north of the capital city, Quito). I will be living with a host family in a community called Convalecencia. My host family includes a mom, a dad, a brother and a sister. They have 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 5 cows! the parents both work at home caring for their cattle and running a small grocery store. My only house rules are to be open to communicating with my family and participating in activities with them, I think these should be easy enough to follow :)
Well, I am off ot put the finishing touches on my packing, weigh my bags and finish cleaning my room!
Adios mi amigos,
the next you will hear from me will be from Ecuador!
God bless,